Sunday, May 15, 2011

~~~Crone’s Comfort Circles Charity Project ~~~

~~~Crone’s Comfort Circles Charity Project ~~~
I’m asking for donations to my Crone’s Comfort Circles Project. I would like to collect motifs. basically the first round of a traditional granny square. I will take these little motifs donated from other Crocheters and assemble them into afghans and other items for different Pagan charities. you can make comfort circles with your left over bits of yarn and send them to me. You can mail 5 to 8 motifs for the cost of a single first class stamp.
knitters: don’t feel left out! I will work with knitted motifs also… contact me we can work that out.
If you would like to donate, want more information on the project or a pattern for motifs Please contact me:
Thank you inadvance!

Crochet Crone's photostream

P1010002P1010013Pentacle motifPentacle Granny SquarePentacle MotifMoonphases
Pentacle Granny SquarePentacle Granny SquarePentacle Granny SquarePentacle MotifPentacle BookmarkPentacle Granny Square

Pagan Granny Square Exchange

I have a pagan granny square exchange group on Facebook & in Yahoo groups if anyone wants to still join in on the fun for May there is still time to get in!

Facebook Pagan Granny square exchange

Yahoo Group Pagan Granny square Exchange

We will be exchanging Midsummer designs

zodiac graphs

LIBRAsaggraphaquarius right sidescorpreversedscorpcirclegraphCAPRICORN

zodiac graphs, a set by Medium Laura Evans on Flickr.

These are awesome patterns

New Designs

I thought I'd share a few new crochet patterns I will get them on the website soon.
these are filet crochet or tunisian crochet patterns.  I'm currently working on some plastic canvas patterns as well.